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Extracts from Native Newspapers on Infrastructure: 1870s
Draws attention of municipal committees to certain defects in management of hackney ikas & carriages. The maximum number of men to be carried in an ika or carriage should be fixed: rates of hire for every sort of conveyances should be laid down: owners of conveyances should be forbidden to use lame or galled horses. The comfort hereby accruing to travelers would be great, over & above the prevention of cruelty to the animals.
Complaints that railway carriages especially third class leak fearfully and passengers have to suffer great deal of inconvenience during the rainy reason.
Urges the municipality of Lahore and its inhabitants about the imperative necessity of making the bazaars and streets wider and straighter, and is glad to see the steps taken in this direction by the municipality in some parts of the city.
Bitterly complaints of the disgusted state of roads in the country and is unable to understand to what purposes the road cess collected by government from the zamidar with the land revenue is devoted.
Agra Akhbar
The editorial calls the attention of the government to the harm which cultivators do to the roads lying outside the city. To water their fields on the sides of road they cut drain through it, and do not fill them up again properly. It suggests that police should be held responsible for seeing the roads are properly repaired by cultivators, care should be taken that the police does not use their powers oppressively.
The booking offices are open for only fifteen minutes, so there is always a struggle at the doors to obtain tickets. This causes wildest confusion. The weakly are put to great inconvenience, and often do not succeed in getting the ticket within the fixed time. To remedy this evil railway ticket should be freely sold in various places like postal stamps, & there should be no restrictions as to the dates within which they are available. It would only be necessary to take such precautions in making tickets once used, that fraud on part of passengers would be impossible. The editor further adds that Punjab railway Company has provided waiting rooms for the wealthier class but there is no accommodation at any station for the common man, who contributes maximum to company’s profits.Copyright 2016. SARCAJC. All rights reserved.
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