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Extracts from Oudh Punch
Policy: Building Castles in the air; the pretense of conferring a favour upon another while promoting one’s own interest; smearing one’s body with blood & representing oneself as having fought in a religious war (i.e. to try to acquire fame by merely pretending to have taken a part in a good action); an ultimate clamour; self conceit; selfishness; a breach of promise’ deserting one’s friend, empty frowns like those of a jackal; & apparent difference of opinion between the member of parliament; to press the weak; to fear the strong; to exaggerate one’s power; to indulge in self praise; to serve the time; to beguile another with empty words; to warm one’s self when the house of another man is on fire; to make a liberal use of the letters of the alphabet in order to please the native chiefs; to turn the name of native chief into tailed stars or comets; to confer the title of the General in the Army upon some of them so that they may play with air-guns.